Therapist Training
We offer a variety of training options in ABA-based strategies for aspiring therapists.

L4Life provides therapist training with L4Life and through ABIA.
For Aspiring ABA Therapists Working in the Broader ASD Community
L4Life senior staff provide training for aspiring ABA therapists, as well as to the wider ASD community, through the Autism Behavioural Intervention Association (ABIA). ABIA is Victoria’s peak body for ABA delivery. ABIA provides training, education and support to parents, carers, and professionals working with children with Autism. Since its beginning, L4Life has had a strong partnership with ABIA, together working to build community training in, and awareness of, ABA therapy and its effectiveness. For therapists, our three-day, Level 1 therapist training course offers a strong foundation for building theoretical and practical knowledge about ABA therapy delivery.
To learn more about these training opportunities, please phone ABIA at (03) 9830 0677 or email them at
For ABA Therapists within L4Life
As part of our high-standard delivery, we train all of our therapists using our ABA-based certification curriculum. Our training is comprehensive and includes evaluating performance-based objectives relevant to the implementation of behavioural intervention for children with Autism. Consequently, while there is a stringent academic component to each certification level, the larger component of the process requires a demonstration of skills learned through theory.
Speak to our team about your needs
To learn more about our therapist training, please call us at (03) 9853 4607 or email us at